Hello everyone!
I hope you have missed me in the last 10 days. I sure did but with 3 projects and presentations and exams coming up … there is not much time to spare for blogging. However today is the last day with lectures for me and I thought I'll celebrate with another 6 for 6 blog. As you may figured, it will hard to complete the challenge in January with only 4 days left – but lets go for it.
Today's outfit was inspired by last week's GRAZIA with a page on leather skirts. Just after reading that in the tram, I spotted a little grey leather skirt at H&M's winter sale (really really reduced ;)). Today I wore that with a white blousy shirt (sewn by Neu4bauer mom a few years ago), grey knitted tights and my all-time-favourite pointy overknees (inherited from my mom), as well as a bulky wire-rose-necklace I bought in New York December 2009.
The Grazia page featured "De La Morena" as catwalk inspiration. However while researching style.com and vogue.com I was astonished that Céline has had black/grey leather skirts in the last THREE collections! You may say: it's a classic and long-time trend!
I MAY also point to my wonderful tulips which I bought yesterday. Aren't they gorgeous? They really do the job against winter tiredness ;)
Lots of greetings to all of you!
Yours, Theresa
Hallo an alle,
ich hoffe ihr habt mich in den letzten 10 Tagen ein wenig vermisst. Ich hab ganz oft ans Bloggen und an euch alle gedacht ;) Aber neben 3 Projekten, Vorträgen und den Prüfungen war dann doch zu wenig Zeit fürs Schreiben, Fotografieren, Scannen und Denken ;) Nichtsdestotrotz soll es heute mit einem weiteren Post zur 6 from 6-Challenge weitergehen. Wie ihr vielleicht bemerkt habt, wird es schwierig diese Challenge in den verbleibenden 4(!) Tagen noch zu bestehen, aber jetzt müssen wirs angehen!
GRAZIA Deutschland Nr. 4 vom 20. Januar 2011
Ganz viele Grüße an alle!
Eure Thea
1 Kommentare:
Schickes Outfit, gefällt mir :-)